Professional Scrum Master™ I (PSM I) Practice Exams
Real Exam Simulation
Get a real-time feel of the PSM I exam with our timed practice tests.
Enhanced Preparation
Specifically designed exams to sharpen your Scrum expertise for PSM I success.
Detailed Stats
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Unlimited Practice
Unlimited access to our six practice exams for thorough preparation.
Question and solution sets
Benefit from detailed explanations for each question, enhancing your understanding.
Trusted Exams
Trusted by 500+ students
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All the risk is on us, as it should be. You literally have nothing to lose.
We are so confident that you are going to learn everything you need to know to pass your Scrum Certification Exam if you complete the courses with CertifyScrum and Follow the guidelines we provide. So, if you do not pass your certification simply send us your test score and your course completion letter, and we will refund your course fees.
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